School Meals

Our school meal provider is Taylor Shaw. School meals cost £2.60 per day for Y3-Y6 and £2.10 for FS1. Meals should be paid for through Parent Pay and pre-ordered using Lunch Hound.

Parent Pay Website:

Lunch Hound Website:

Taylor Shaw Website:

If children require a medical diet due to a food allergy, parents can apply for one through the LunchHound website. Please see the parents guide below instructing parents how to apply for a medical diet.

Parents Guide - Requesting a Medical Diet

Universal infant free school meals - All children in FS2, Y1 & Y2 are entitled to a free school lunch regardless of family income. Ask at the school office for more details or visit

Free School Meals - RMBC have a dedicated phone line, 01709 336066, which parents can use to apply for free school meals over the telephone. If RMBC are able to confirm with the DWP checking system that there is an entitlement, the claim can be processed on the same day. If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals please speak to Mrs Cunningham or Miss Sharp in the school office.

Autumn Winter Menu


School Meals Useful Documents

Parents & Guardians Eativerse - School Meals information leaflet

Pupil Premium Payments to School - Information for Claimant

Universal Free School Meals - Information Sheet

UIFSM Eativerse Flyer

Using the Lunch - Hound Online Booking Service - Parents Guide