Design and Technology
Design and Technology Intent
The aim at Thrybergh Fullerton is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, resilient and successful, life-long learners.
Through the implementation of a broad and balanced curriculum, we aim for our children to have high aspirations and to make an active and positive contribution to their school, their community and the wider society; now and in the future.
To develop our children's cultural capital we will give our children first hand experiences, build resilience and challenge, particularly when thinking about future opportunities. We will strive to help children see themselves as designers, confident with technologies and a knowledge of how to lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle through food technology.
Long term plan for Design and Technology
Cornerstones Curriculum 22 (Single Age)
Design and Technology Curriculum Overview 2022
Curriculum 22 Design and Technology Overview
Component and Composite Knowledge Overview Examples
Year 1 Curriculum 22 Subject Sequence
Year 4 Curriculum 22 Subject Sequence for DT
Examples of Design and Technology Assessment Maps
DT Year 1 Assessment Map- Shade and Shelter
DT Year 4 Assessment Map- Functional and Fancy Fabrics
Link to Design and Technology National Curriculum
Make Do and Mend
This is our new topic in year 6. We are looking at the war era, and how the woman were challenged to Make Do and Mend. We have looked at adverts from the era and had a go at some of the stitches. Today we tried to master the running, blanket and whip stitches. We all had a great try and showed some resilience when things didn't go to plan.