Year Six


Welcome to Year 6, and what an amazing year we are going to have! We have lots and lots of exciting learning to do in the forthcoming weeks with the school rules (being ready, being respectful and being safe) at the heart of all we do. 
I have attached the knowledge organisers which go with each of these topics as well as ideas, which the children can do at home for extra homework, to further their learning. When children do any tasks at home, please bring these into school to share at the end of each half term – extra dojo rewards will be rewarded for these. 
Homework will be given weekly. DUE IN WEDNESDAY. The children will be asked to complete: 
15 minutes of their reading books at least 3x per week (dairies will be checked every Friday.) 
Two pieces of written homework given on a Friday (Spag and maths related - due in on a Wednesday) 
Reflex maths (Times Tables app)  
Spellings to learn on alternate weeks. Here's a link to the Y5/6 words: LINK  
In addition to the above additional homework includes: 
Selection of creative topic work (from the working at home ideas sheet) –to be handed in at the end of each half term. 
If you have any questions about any of this information or other questions not relating to this please do not hesitate to contact me. 

MAAFA - History 
This project teaches children about Africa past and present, with a particular focus on Benin. It traces the development of the slave trade and explores Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora. 

Cross curricular links: 

PSHE : Prejudice and discrimination; Diversity and multiculturism 
Suggested text : Freedom - Catherine Johnson 
Memorable experience : Exploring Africa today 
Innovate challenge : Inspirational black Britons


Maafa home learning tasks 

Maafa home learning booklet 
All of our reading is based around Emma Carroll’s ‘When We Were Warriors’ which is an is an interlinked novel of adventure, incident, familiar places and characters living through World War II and explores the resilience, resourcefulness and inventiveness of children when their lives fall to pieces. We will touch more on these themes in the Summer term (such as evacuees) (LINK TO BOOK REVIEW)  
Writing in Autumn One is based around Jo Hoestlandt’s Star of Fear, Star of Hope. The story focuses on Helen, an elderly lady who is remembering her old childhood friend, Lydia, and her family who used to wear a golden star on her coat. The story focuses on complex themes such as the holocaust, occupation, persecution and how friendships can prevail regardless of differences. Within our writing, we focus on recounts, diary writing and newspaper writing to bring Lydia’s story to life.   

This term in maths, we revisit and consolidate the building blocks of maths. We start of focusing on place value and what makes a number a number. We move onto the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and introduce long division. I will be posting videos to help children with this skill as I know many parents were taught a different method, or may have forgotten long division since their time in year 6!  

This half term's science is focused on our bodily systems, namely the circulatory system. We investigate how the heart works, the function of blood and the effects of our diet, drugs or alcohol on our heart. We will also be dissecting a heart to study the anatomical features. Later in the term, and with the help of Rotherham United, we will be focusing on how to stay healthy and how to create a healthy diet (with links to our DT which focused on creating a healthy, balanced meal).

Circulator system knowledge organiser 

In Re this term, we will be looking at the Islamic religion and learning about the 5 Pillars of Islam before comparing Islam with Christianity and other World religions. 

This term, we have lots on amazing projects in computing ranging from coding to online safety. This is supplemented with a trip to Crucial Crew where we will be discussing online safety with local Police Officers and Judges.  
 DT Knowledge Organiser 

Geography Knowledge Organiser 

Art Knowledge Organiser 

Many thanks for all of your continued support. 
Again, please do not hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions. 
Mr L