Year One

                                      Welcome to Year One with Miss Jones and Mrs Spencer                                                                                                                                               

We are looking forward to lots of new learning opportunities over the coming weeks.

This term's Childhood topic teaches the children about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood in the 1950s, using artefacts and a range of different sources. The children will be exploring shade and shelter as part of their design and technology learning. We have a visit planned at Pops Outdoor Adventure where the children will get to experience den building, pizza making and rocket launching.

Over the course of the topic, children will develop their knowledge and vocabulary of time including using terms such as, before, a long time ago, yesterday, many years ago and present.

In art we will be learning about Picasso and looking at making funny faces using collage, we will also create our own portrait using the same style as Picasso.



Class One's PE sessions this half term will take place on Monday and Wednesday. The Monday lesson will be outside and the Wednesday lesson will be inside. Please send your child with suitable outdoor clothing when required. Can you also ensure that earrings are removed on these days so that your child is able to take part in the lesson as we cannot remove these in school. Thank you.  


Book bags will be needed in school every day and will be changed in our class library every week. It is expected that children should read at home on a daily basis as part of their homework, listening to your child read for just ten minutes each day can have a significant impact on their reading skills and learning. Thank you for supporting your child in this. 



A pack of spellings has been sent home for your child to practise weekly, please follow the guidance on the front of the spelling pack. There will be a spelling test every Thursday. As well as weekly spellings, children may also have maths, phonics or topic homework to complete.

If you have any queries about anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.  
Thank you 
Miss Jones  




Home Learning

Childhood Home learning 

Phonics Play Games

Key Instant Recall Facts

Year 1 Key Instant Recall Facts

Knowledge Organiser

Childhood Knowledge Organiser