Year Four


Welcome to Year 4!

Our very first topic this year is called Invasion.

In the Invasion project, your child will explore the effects of the Roman withdrawal and the chronology and geography of subsequent invasions. They will study the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in detail, examining their reasons for invading, their settlements and their everyday life. Your child will also look at monasteries and the Anglo-Saxon legacy. They will consider how we know about life in this period and investigate the Sutton Hoo ship burial. They will learn about Athelstan, an Anglo-Saxon king, and what happened after his death, before ending the project by learning about the Norman invasion of 1066.

Class Text

Our Class text for this topic is called ‘Danny The Champion Of The World’ by Roald Dahl

Times Tables

Times tables are incredibly important and I would encourage you to help your child with these at home. In year 4, children are expected to know all of their timetables up to 12x12. Encourage your child to use Reflex Maths at every opportunity to support your child’s progress.


The children are currently learning spellings from the recommended spelling list for year 3/4. There will be a spelling test every Friday. It is important that your children practice and prepare for this each week. They will be given a set of spellings that will last across a two-week period.


Children should be listened to read every night at home for around 5-10 minutes to build their confidence and knowledge. When your child finishes their book they can swap it for a different one on a Friday morning. Reading record books should be filled in regularly and brought to school each Friday so that we can get your child signed off to earn their reading reward badges.


P.E lessons are Swimming on a Tuesday and school PE on a Friday afternoon. Please bring appropriate P.E kit for these sessions (plain black bottoms, plain white t-shirt and plain black/grey/red hoody).

Earrings must be covered with a plaster brought from home.

If you have any questions about how you can support your child’s learning in Class 4 please come in and ask.

Thank you,

Mr Wheeler, Miss Horler and Mrs Wilson


Link to Year 4 Maths Key Instant Recall Facts