Welcome to Autumn Term 2024. I am very excited to start our new academic year with our wonderful F2 class.
This term's topics are as follows:
· Let’s Explore
This project teaches children about the environments that they share with others, including their homes, school and places in the local community.
· Build it Up
This project teaches children about structures and materials and gives them the opportunity to work in groups to create collaborative structures.
· Marvellous Machines
This interest-led project teaches children about the technology that is part of their daily lives and how machines help us. The project gives children the opportunity to build and create marvellous machines.
· Puppets and Pop ups
This creative project explores puppets and pop up books and gives children the opportunity to make puppets and use them to tell exciting stories.
FS2's PE sessions this half term will take place on Tuesday. Please send your child with suitable outdoor clothing when required. Can you also ensure that earrings are removed on these days so that your child is able to take part in the lesson as we cannot remove these in school. Thank you.
I am aware that some children may find undressing and dressing difficult however we are here to support this and to build the children’s independence.
Early Reading is key to all we do and incredibly important across the whole of our curriculum, so your support is vital in helping your child develop the confidence and love of reading to reach their full potential.
Please see below useful links to support phonics at home with your child:
Set 1 phonics pictures and sounds
Book bags will be needed in school every day and will be changed in our class library every week. It is expected that children should read at home on a daily basis as part of their homework, listening to your child read for just ten minutes each day can have a significant impact on their reading skills and learning. Thank you for supporting your child in this.
If you have any queries about anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Thank you
Miss Cheetham