Welcome to the Autumn Term in Foundation One with

Mrs Stabler, Mrs Wootton

Mrs Cambell & Miss Mylett


It is great to see the children back in school, they are all eager and excited to learn, which is lovely to see! We hope you all had a lovely summer!

A warm welcome to our new children who have started this week, the children have settled into school really well and are busy learning all the routines of our class. They are beginning to develop their own interests as well as making new friends. Thank you for all your support in settling the children into their new class. If you have any questions please see one of the foundation team, we are always here to help and support you.

Our Autumn term one topic is ‘Me and My Community’

This project supports children with settling into the new rules and routines of school and encourages them to make new friends and feel confident in their class. It teaches children about being helpful, kind and thoughtful at home and at school. This project also teaches children how they are unique and special, the importance of friendship and how people in their family, school and local community are important and can help them.

Supporting your child at home:

Look at family photographs together and talk about different members of your family
Look at baby photographs and talk about how they have grown
Look at childhood photographs of parents and grandparents
Talk about people who help us in our community such as doctors, firefighters and police officers. Can you talk about how these people help us?  

Me and My Community- Did You Know?


Our Mini Project for this topic is ‘Exploring Autumn’

In the Exploring Autumn project, your child will go on a woodland walk to learn about the seasonal changes that happen in autumn. They will learn about birds and animals that live in the woods and how they survive as the weather gets colder. They will take part in practical and creative activities that will support them to learn about autumn.

Supporting your child at home:

Go on a walk around your local area and talk about what happens to trees and plants during autumn. Take some pictures to share at school.
Collect leaves, seeds, nuts and berries to add to an autumn collection.
Make some bird food to feed the birds as the weather gets colder.

Exploring Autumn- Did You Know?


Our Autumn term two topic is ‘Once Upon a Time’

In the Once Upon a Time project, your child will be introduced to the wonderful world of stories. They will listen to a range of traditional tales and have the chance to act out the stories in their play. They will also listen to alternative contemporary stories to see different viewpoints from the characters. They will use the stories to think about how life has changed from when the stories were written. They will also make up their own stories and make masks, props and puppets to act out their stories.

Supporting your child at home:

Read traditional stories and fairy tales to your child.
Visit your local library and choose picture books to share.
Talk about the characters in stories and whether they like or dislike them.
Talk about how the characters in stories behave and what they could do differently.

Once Upon a Time- Did You Know?


Our Mini Project for this topic is ‘Sparkle and Shine’

In the Sparkle and Shine project, your child will explore different celebrations that take place in autumn and winter, focusing on the significance and symbolism of light at this time of year. They will take part in a variety of creative activities and discover more about how Christmas, Diwali and Hanukkah are celebrated around the world.

Supporting your child at home:

Talk about special events that you celebrate at home.
Share photos of events that you celebrate.
Talk about how you prepare for special celebrations including the clothes you wear, food you prepare and gifts you give or receive.

Sparkle and Shine- Did You Know?



Early reading is key to all we do and incredibly important across the whole of our EYFS curriculum, your support is vital in helping your child develop the confidence and love of reading to reach their full potential. Please read as often to your child as possible, sharing a book at bedtime every night is a good way of developing a love of reading. Sharing a story with your child everyday can have a significant impact on their learning and development. Please make sure your child brings their book bag to school everyday and your child's reading book will be changed in our class library every Friday. Thank you for your support. 

Physical Development

Developing physical skills is a key area in our early years curriculum, we plan lots of physical activities for the children to develop their fine and gross motor skills in the indoor and outdoor provision. The children will join in with Dough disco, squiggle sessions, parachute games as well as lots of other physical activities in their learning environment. As these activities will be available throughout the week we will not have a set PE day or session, therefore your child will not need a PE kit.

If you have any queries about anything, please do not hesitate to ask. 

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Stabler